The RTF format does not provide as many features as the Microsoft DOC or Openoffice (Libreoffice) ODT format, but has been used for decades and most word processors can read it.
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We’re trying to avoid disk i/o by passing the RTF string directly into the java function and then return the PDF document data.

Hi, In Java Programming Language we generally uses the itext api for converting PDF file into RTF file. iText was the closest thing, but they recently abandoned the RTF to PDF conversion from the project. I have searched a lot for it (by coincidence actually again this morning).
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Personal Edition is free to use by many persons and organizations.RTF TO XML converts your RTF documents to other printable and viewable formats: XML, PDF, HTML, PostScript, etc. In order to go on with the removal of rarely -if ever- used features started in version 10.0, removed the indicator content object (CSS proprietary extension similar to label except that indicator was rendered using a set of images rather than text).All DocBook configurations: " xsl/fo/alt_param.xsl" contained a " " xsl:attribute-set having missing space-after attributes.For example, using the Attributes tool to change the height attribute of an image to " 100" had no immediate visual effect on the styled view of the topic. DITA and LwDITA configurations: an image element did not depend on some of its “visual” attributes like width, height, etc.In some cases, an XInclude element containing a xi:fallback element was not correctly saved/loaded to/from the string form used by XXE clipboard.Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.11.

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The Windows 32-bit and Windows 64-bit platforms are both supported but it's still older Hunspell version 1.3.2 which is used on these platforms. The Linux 32-bit and Mac OS X 32-bit platforms are no longer supported. The Hunspell engine has been upgraded to latest 1.7.0 version on all supported platforms except Windows.

DITA Map/BookMap, DocBook Assembly, Ebook Specification configurations: the " Open Topic R/O" and " Open Topic" buttons found in the toolbar have been renamed to " Open All Topics R/O" and " Open All Topics".